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The young adult community of Vallejo Drive SDA Church offers opportunities for adults between the ages of 18-35 to serve God, serve each other and serve the community.

We are a church that belongs to Christ and there is an unique place for you here.


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The Vine Young Adult Bible Study is a place to come and authentically seek Christ


Find Community; ask questions; and watch God reveal who He is through our weekly study of the Bible.

Due to COVID-19, we're unable to meet in person, but you can join our interactive Zoom discussion every Saturday at 2:30 p.m.


Click Here to text us, or message us on Social Media to find our how.

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From helping children in countries like Belize, to feeding families in our own community, we are following in the footsteps of Jesus.


We get involved in the outreach initiatives of our church family and are always looking for more volunteers to help.

Community Outreach 1 - Come serve with u

During the pandemic, volunteers are needed to serve at the SOS Food Pantry that provides a community

live-line every Thursday afternoon.



Another unique way our young adults are serving is by grocery shopping and running errands for the elderly and

at-risk in our community, so they can stay safely at home during the pandemic.


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One way we've been staying social during the pandemic is game night every Wednesday. Come join us to see how we've modified popular games to draw us together on Zoom.

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Check out our social media pages to find our what we've been up to. If you'd like to join us, simply send us a text, email or contact us on social media.

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Stay up to date and find out how you can get involved by following our

Instagram and Facebook pages.

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